
Cookie joins the book club...

Oh boy. Imagine my delight to discover that my book 'One Smart Cookie' made it into the Scholastic book club! I had no idea. And of course, the artist is always the last person to know anything in publishing... the absolute last. (An email would be far too troublesome to write, naturally).

So imagine my dumbfoundedness to open a letter from my publisher to find a fine fat four figure royalty check. Disbelief... total shock, followed by a suspicion that it couldn't possibly be for me. Oh no, I figured, it must be for some other artist and they got the bookkeeping wrong. Usually I find royalty statements to be confusing, I only glance briefly, despair and stuff them away.

So quickly I rifled through my business files, wondering how to write the letter with the about to be returned check. But I discovered in translating the inscrutable royalty figures, it turns out that Cookie became a Scholastic book club book a few months ago! Nothing could amaze me more.

So now I have to reevaluate my artistic accomplishments for the better as a bookmaker. Hopefully it's a verdict that might stick.

Thank you, Cookie!

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